BioDiamond Micro F12 Stent
New BioDiamond product - BioDiamond Micro F12 Stent - was designed for stenting of small (2.0 and 2.5 mm) coronary vessels.
The stenting of small vessels causes special problems and requires the combination of very special new features of stent, namely:
- because of very small expanded diameter, normal stents demonstrate high recoil (recoil is as bigger as smaller is expanded diameter)
- small lumen of vessel requires very high radial stability, especially long-term radial stability, because even small compression of stent in time can cause sufficient relative reduction of vessel diameter in case of small vessel
- the small vessels have weaker and thinner walls which are especially sensitive to mechanical injury at implantation. For example, it requires high density of stent surface elements to provide uniform pressure on the vessel´s wall during expansion, to avoid "knife" effect.
- At the same time stent has to be enough flexible to be able to follow curvatures of smaller radius and smaller general inner diameter
- for small vessels the problem of thrombogenecity and restenosis is in general heavier than for bigger vessels (small size causes slower blood flux etc.)
To fulfill above requirements is not so easy, because solutions of many of above problems are in contradictory to each other (i.e. improving one required parameter one shall reduce another useful feature).
Above is the reason why in many cases small vessels are considered as not-stentable and physicians apply another methods (if any) for their treatment .
BioDiamond Micro F12 Stent with BioDiamond - DLC-coating presents solution of the problem because:
it posses very dense but very fine (filigree), enough flexible structure which is responsible for (tested in independent certified lab):
- low recoil <4% (2.5 mm) and high radial stability /collapsing pressure >130 kN/m² (2.5 mm) after expansion at small diameter, which is due to the big density of "deformation sites" per 1 mm² of the stent surface. As much such sites (zones of irreversible plastic deformation of the steel) has the stent, as lower is recoil and higher is radial stability (collapsing by outern pressure)
- uniform pressure on the vessel´s wall at expansion (low "knife"-trauma)
As all other BioDiamond stent, the BioDiamond Micro F12 Stent demonstrates start of expansion from the middle which leads to the low injury
Because of advanced design and special characteristics of steel, BioDiamond Micro F12 Stent posses very high long-term radial stability at millions of compressing heart cycles
Anti-restenosis and anti-thrombogenic biocompatible BioDiamond - DLC-coating prevents restenosis and thrombosis in small vessels.
The combination of above special features allow the BioDiamond Micro F12 Stent to be succesefully applied for stenting of small coronary vessels and to treat patients, who were considered before as not suitable for stenting.
It is the first special small vessel stent at the world market.